Welcome to Positive Affirmations. We have seen that affirmations have to be positive. Our subconscious mind, which has no sense of reason or humor, is like a one way street where only one direction is possible.
It is positive minded, hence only positive statements seem to work. If a negative word is used in affirmations, it does not seem to have any effect. It is as if the subconscious mind cannot "see" the negative word. Thus, if the affirmation is "I am not poor", it is registered as "I am poor".
Actually, what happens is that in the statement "I am not poor" the focus is on the term "poor". Whatever we focus on, grows. Hence, "I am not poor" registers as "poor" and the subconscious mind does everything in its capacity to remain poor or attract poverty.
Therefore, it is better to say positive affirmations. "I am not poor" should be changed to "I am rich".
The wording of the affirmations should also be done carefully. If you are tired of the house in which you are living, then saying I hate this house may not get you a new house.
Even if you do manage to get a new house, very soon you will start hating the new house too because that's what you have been affirming!
If you want a new house, one of the positive affirmations will be I am now living in a beautiful, large, luxurious house which satisfies all my needs.
Affirmations are nothing but self talk. It's better not to talk about the negatives in our life. Talking will simply anchor them deeper.
The same goes for the blame game that most of us like to play. We ourselves are responsible for all the wrong things in our life. As long as we refuse to accept responsibility for the same, we cannot change. Positive affirmations is the way to change our thinking.
Make a conscious effort and reword your affirmations. Some examples are given below. Use them and change your negative affirmations into positive.
One great way to condition the mind for anything is hypnosis and self hypnosis. For any change to occur on a permanent basis, it has to be impressed on the sub conscious mind. Hypnosis is a very easy and hassle free way of doing it. And it is not necessary to engage a professional hypnotist for the purpose, which can be very costly.
Professionally made hypnosis MP3s and CDs for positive thinking are available for a fraction of the cost. Using my extensive knowledge of hypnosis, I've selected some excellent MP3s/CDs for you, as given below.
Release Negative Emotions with this professionally-recorded hypnosis MP3 download.
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